I Call 9MM

CRank: 5Score: 12410

Here's one more thing Nintendo needs to worry about: franchises. Mario, Zelda, Metroid etc... great and all, but they need something new and exciting that Nintendo just doesn't offer right now. Let's see some M rated titles, but good ones.

4965d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Seems like THQ running their mouths, no doubt, but I do believe Nintendo will be the first ones out the gate with a new console, possibly even a year or so before the competition. And I'll assume it will be like their past hardware iterations, where we will see the Wii being sold alongside the new system for several more years, just like the PS2 and PS3 are now. Keep the Wii around for the casual, bring in a new system to try and steal sales from Sony and Microsoft's more hardcore cro...

4965d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nice to see more DLC, my girlfriend loves the game. Too bad Microsoft couldn't figure out how to make a disc import feature like Guitar Hero and Rock Band, a deal breaker for picking up further titles in the series in my opinion.

4966d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, I considered getting them during the Steam sale, but the DRM was just too much. Once Ubisoft eventually does away with it, I'd consider getting these games, but I just borrowed most off my friend for my 360. Lost sales, no surprise. Most gamers savvy enough to use Steam are smart enough not to buy their games with crappy DRM.

5005d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Reminds me of what happened when Soul Caliber 2 came out last generation, each console got an exclusive character.

This time around, we'll probably end up seeing at least one exclusive in each version of the new Mortal Kombat. Really, God of War is a given for a PS3 exclusive, and for the 360, I think a Gears character would be a decent fit. They already did a Halo spartan in another cameo, Dead or Alive 4 I believe, Gears works here. Sure makes more sense than say, Ba...

5036d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Half Life 2: Epsiode 3 would be a great release, if it ever happens. Probably got collected into the eventual Half-Life 3 by this point, so much for episodic content.

Beyond Good and Evil 2, we can only hope we ever get this game. Personally, there are a lot of decent 360/PS3 games in need of sequels. I would love to see The Darkness get a sequel, even Dark Sector, which while not a great game, could be fixed up nice for a sequel. I thought Clive Barker's Jericho was an...

5038d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If they did re-release Halo in a new remake, I'd want to see it intergrate into Reach somehow, that way I would only have to deal with one area for matchmaking/Firefight/campaign . Having two separate games, with what would be two fragmented communities is unnecessary. Also, adding Halo's MP levels to Reach would seriously increase Reach's, while good in quality, bad in quantity levels.

Same thing could be said with Halo 2's Campaign and levels.

5038d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I actually think they could get away with adding this kind of functionality to Rock Band and Guitar Hero, even Lipz I suppose, taking the users body motions and stage style into account when adding points. You would probably look retarded, but it would be hilarious at parties.

5039d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm sure Wii will do just fine, maybe they won't sell as much hardware, maybe they will, but they have a few games people want to play: Epic Mickey, Donkey Kong Returns, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Super Mario Galaxy 2 etc... so I'm sure they will do well enough. If they really want to sell hardware, they need to drop the price by around 50 bucks and bundle in a couple more games. Right now, the 360 and PS3 are too close in price to the Wii, especially the 360.

Not a...

5039d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I doubt we will be seeing the next Xbox at retail before 2012, and by then this technology will be well and dated. For Microsoft to go back to an x86 core after switching to PowerPC for the 360 seems like an odd choice on their part, if the rumour ends up being true. If they did go to an x86 core, I would hope that they in some way include the Xenon portion of the 360 into the next system, perhaps as a secondary chip that could be used for a sound subsystem, sort of like older systems did wit...

5042d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The AI can't figure out how to go anywhere, I've seen them get stuck behind rocks, unable to figure out how to go around. Kat jumped in a Wraith tank I had left behind once, big mistake....

5042d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Giving the AI the rocket launcher in any Halo game can be a disaster, but can also be worth the risky gamble. I've had times where the AI is deadly accurate with that rocket launcher, taking out every enemy in our path, but it only takes one mistake from them to send you back to the checkpoint. This especially sucks when you are trying to beat a level without dieing, as they have actually shot me with it when in front of an enemy, off a wall while driving, shooting the ground etc...

5042d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hmmm, what I like about the 360 is that some IPTV providers are beginning to use the 360 as a receiver for television, with PVR capabilities, instead of having to shell out additional money for a seperate box. This is a good option in my opinion, as the network is setup to deliver those shows locally and reliably.

Now, there are lots of people with fast enough internet to get shows in real time from Microsoft, but not everyone everywhere. More competition is good, hopefully...

5042d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think cross-platform play needs to come out, especially with co-op style games like L4D and Borderlands. This is an area where Co-op would truly shine, as the competition angle is very different.

With Valve bringing Steam to the PS3, we may see some games that will begin supporting this in the future. Co-Op play in Portal 2 might be cross-platform, PC/PS3/Mac? That would be something intersting to try out.

I enjoy my 360, but looking back I really think...

5043d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Without competition, there would be no need to improve there products as much, or increase their performance as much either.

5043d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Very impressive results, the performance of this card is quite amazing, especially the SLI scaling, but truth be told, unless you are gaming at 2560x1600, there is no need for this card or SLI'ing it. Even at 1920x1080/1200, it is still overkill in most games.

However, definitely a good choice if you decide to run 2 or more monitors. I can't wait to see what AMD is coming out with, and let the competition begin. They only released their mid/high cards at the moment,...

5043d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is a pretty good idea. Too often people simply don't have enough available PCIe slots available, since these dual slot graphics cards cover them up. Run SLI/Crossfire, throw in a sound card, you're likely out of room.

I'd like to see this technology moved into higher end cards in the future. Put one of those in the 6950/6970 series that is coming out, I would definitely be inclined to get one Visiontek version.

5043d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would definitely be interested in a Halo: CE remake for Xbox 360/PC on the Reach engine, but I hope if this goes through Microsoft has a little more foresight and does it properly. We don't need to have two different Halo Games (this and Reach) out at the same time, with seperate multiplayer options, fragmenting the community even further.

If they did do this, I would suggest to 343 to at least make sure that the competitive multiplayer options are the same for both g...

5044d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The simple fact that the Power Glove is on here makes this list mute.

The PS3 and 360 both have great controllers, it mostly comes down to which you prefer more. DualShock has always been a great overall controller, great at almost every game, but not perfect. The 360 controller, at least I find, is a little better for shooters, but the D-Pad makes it worse for 2D fighters/platformers etc...

The N64 and Gamecube Wavebirds were great controllers, but both ...

5057d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not a big fan of Armour Lock either. I find it slows the game down a lot, having to wait to kill the player, unless his/her teamates kill you first. It just feels cheap. I find the other abilities are quite well balanced, however.

The video in the link is quite correct, and it can really give the armour-locked player an advantage against another player. I hope they fix it, or even come up with a similar new ability.

5058d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment